Reid Seaby, WA Regional Manager
1.5 minute read
Very little has changed fundamentally within grain markets and as a result, there has been limited grower selling the past week. The Black Sea region is coming to the end of their harvest and while there was some speculation the dry end to their season may impact production, there are now reports showing both production and quality have in fact increased. Despite this, bids in WA were well supported this week. 2019/20 wheat bids were up about $10/MT with APW1 landing at $310/MT FIS in Kwinana. Barley bids were also higher with feed up $16/MT to $275/MT FIS. Canola bids jumped back over $600/MT to $605/MT FIS Kwinana.
Prices as at 25th July 2019
* View of current market pricing. Does not represent current Agfarm bids.