Reid Seaby, Regional Manager WA

The last couple of weeks have provided us with proof that it can and does rain.

Although it was very isolated, storms this week were welcomed by those lucky enough to be under the right cloud. The best falls were in the Great Southern around Albany and Kojonup with reports of between 60 – 70mm on some properties. Parts of the central wheatbelt also experienced some isolated rain with the best falls around Bullfinch, Narembeen, Mukinbudin and Bodallin who all had more than 20mm in the gauge. With tropical cyclone Veronica strengthening off the coast and tracking southwest, there is every chance we may have further unsettled weather on the way – fingers crossed.

Markets were mostly softer following the kick we saw a couple of weeks ago. Kwinana APW1 was down $1/MT to $329/MT but the spread to ASW1 narrowed as bids for the lesser grade were $5/MT higher. Barley continues to struggle to find support as feed bids tumbled $9/MT to be $285/MT FIS in the Kwinana zone. Canola bids fell too, as GM bids collapsed $15/MT from last week. New crop wheat was unchanged from seven days ago.


Prices as at 21st March 2019

* View of current market pricing. Does not represent current Agfarm bids.

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